Enrollment for Students with Disabilities

ENROLLMENT 2025-2026

Ricardo Flores Magon Academy welcomes all students and strives to create and maintain a diverse student population. Enrollment in Ricardo Flores Magon Academy is open to all students residing in the state. Student recruitment and enrollment decisions shall be made in a nondiscriminatory manner as outlined in C.R.S. § 22-30.5-507(3). In all cases, student recruitment and enrollment decisions shall be made without regard to disability, race (including hair texture, hair type or hairstyle), creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin (including English language learners), language, religion, ancestry, or need for special education services, or any other protected classes.

To ensure that the needs of students with disabilities are met, the following procedures are followed by Ricardo Flores Magon Academy: 

1. Enrollment materials specify that Ricardo Flores Magon Academy serves students with disabilities 

2. Following admission, Ricardo Flores Magon Academy shall require that the student provide the most recent IEP (including eligibility IEP) or Section 504 Plan, if available.   

3. A review team consisting of the School Principal or designee, the School Special Education teacher or coordinator, and the Institute Special Education Director or designee shall review the IEP or 504 plan and determine whether the School will be the least restrictive environment appropriate for the student.

4. If the team finds that the IEP (or LRE setting) or 504 plan requires a significant change of placement* or raises other concerns about the student’s ability to access a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), the School shall convene a complete IEP team to determine the appropriate placement. The IEP team meeting shall include the Institute Director of Special Education or designee. In addition, the IEP team must include the following people: not less than one regular education teacher; not less than one special education teacher, or where appropriate, not less than one special education provider; and, an individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results, and a language interpreter, when necessary. The student’s parents and legal guardian must be afforded the opportunity to participate, as must the student when appropriate. 

5. If the team determines that the School is the appropriate placement for the student, the student shall be placed directly in a program that meets the requirements of the student’s existing IEP or Section 504 Plan, unless and until the School convenes an IEP meeting or 504 meeting is held and the IEP or Section 504 Plan is changed.

6. If the IEP team determines the IEP or 504 Plan requires a significant change of placement, then the IEP team will refer the student to the Institute Director of Special Education or designee. If a significant change of placement is required, the Director of Special Education of the student’s administrative unit of residence (school district or BOCES) must be invited to the IEP meeting.  It is also recommended that the School invite representatives from the student's prior school to participate in the IEP Team meeting at the charter school. The Institute Director of Special Education or designee will confer with the student and family regarding placement opportunities available in accordance with the placement determination made by the IEP team and assist the family in making proper application(s) for the placement setting. 

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